Furry Friday – Road Trip and an Eclipse

It’s Furry Friday and I’ve missed a few Fridays since my last post. Our schedule has been quite busy, and I confess to not being the most effective time manager on the planet. So, let’s catch up on what we’ve been doing.

At the beginning of April, we returned to Nashville for the mid-year checkup on my heart transplant and took the pups with us. Gidget McFidget and Bruce Wayne enjoyed another hotel stay as pampered pups.

Even at the hotel, Bruce likes to sit on the ottoman and watch people coming and going. You can see the rain on the window. We drove through a storm on the way to Tennessee, and a tornado touched down in Kentucky a couple of hours after we passed through.

Gidget seems to have figured out the concept of the mirror. She recognizes my reflection and watches me in the mirror. First dog I’ve ever had who comprehended what a mirror was.

After a couple of days in Nashville, we rented a little log cabin in a remote location, close to my father’s house in the Smoky Mountains.

The decor was charming and rustic, but I couldn’t help feeling like this guy was judging me.

Despite the remote location, the cabin offered the comforts of home.

It even had a fireplace for Gidget’s lounging desire. It was unusually chilly and damp for April in Tennessee, and we all appreciated the warmth of the fireplace, even if it was electric and not real fire.

We spent a few days visiting family and exploring nature.

Bruce wanted to explore nature more than any of us. If he wasn’t on the leash, he probably would have run into the woods and never returned. His nose never left the ground on a walk.

We originally planned to drive home from Tennessee on Monday with a quick pitstop in Ohio to watch the eclipse. However, the news coverage of the eclipse convinced us that the traffic along I-75 on Monday would make our route nearly impossible. It seemed likely that we would end up stuck somewhere in Ohio spending the night in our car. I was not interested in using our vehicle as a hotel room even under the best circumstances, and traveling with the two dogs made the idea even less appealing.

Instead of traveling through the “path of totality” on Monday, we chose to drive home on Sunday and watch the eclipse from our back yard. Our zip code was predicted to have 99% of the sun covered by the moon, and that sounded close enough to 100% for us.

I managed to snap a couple decent pictures of the eclipse with my cellphone.

Definitely not professional quality, but not terrible.

But I thought the high-def shadows were the coolest part.

Next time we take a road trip, I guess we will have to factor celestial events into our plans.

Published by Dawn Levitt Author

Two-time heart transplant survivor. Writer. Wife, mother, & dog-mom. "You're already dying, so you might as well live it up!"

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